The Story

The Origins of the Smiley Face Project

In a world teetering on the edge of chaos, where every glance at the news seems to chip away at our collective spirit, I found myself yearning for something simpler, something pure. That’s how the Smiley Face Project was born. Not from a calculated business plan, but from a deep, visceral need to inject a bit of joy and innocence back into the everyday grind.

Why We Do It

The Smiley Face Project is my way of fighting back against the grey. Each illustration is a rebellion against the mundane, a burst of color and positivity in a world that desperately needs it. The grinning characters, with their toothy smiles, aren’t just doodles on paper. They’re reminders that even in the darkest times, there’s something worth smiling about. This project is a love letter to the childlike wonder we all carry inside, often buried beneath the weight of adult responsibilities.

Who We Do It For

This project is for anyone who has ever needed a reason to smile. It’s for the tired commuter who catches a glimpse of a vibrant smiley face on a poster and feels a little lighter. It’s for the kids who see the world through wide, unjaded eyes and for the adults who have forgotten how. It’s for the art lovers, the dreamers, and the doers who find beauty in the everyday. It’s for those who believe that a simple smile can change the world, one grin at a time.

At the heart of the Smiley Face Project is a commitment to you. Our audience. We promise to keep creating, to keep spreading joy, and to remind you that happiness is a journey, not a destination. Our illustrations are crafted with care, using the best materials and over two decades of artistic experience. Each piece is a testament to the power of a smile and its ability to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Join us on this colorful journey, and let’s make the world a little brighter, one smile at a time.
